Sunday, November 18, 2012

Pilgrim Harvest Invitational 2012

Hello friends and family!  Yesterday, Sophia competed in the Pilgrim Harvest Invitational, hosted by Giguere's Gym!  The first event of the day for the Elite level 6 team was beam.  For those of you who know me, beam is not the event I want Sophia to start out on because it means bars will fall last in the rotation!  But I can't change the rotation schedule so, it is what it is!!  Anyways, back to the meet!  Sophia started out with a strong beam routine - a few small balance checks but nothing too serious!  That is until she leaned too far forward doing her scale pose and fell off the beam!  She bounced right back on and finished her routine - with a small balance check during her handstand dismount!  Right before she did her routine, I realized that one of her former coaches was judging beam (she is a brevet judge) and worried that this would make her nervous but she said that it didn't even bother her!  I was also worried that she would score Sophia a little tougher, being a former member of her gym, but she is a tough judge and it looked like the majority of the scores were on the lower side!  Sophia scored an 8.450 and received a medal for 6th place for the junior age group.

The next event in the rotation was floor!  I am probably the least nervous when Sophia does floor - otherwise the rest of the meet I have huge butterflies in my stomach!!  Sophia got out on the floor and pulled off an amazing routine!  She scored a 9.550 and took home the 1st place medal!  She looked beautiful out there!!

The 3rd event of the day was vault!  As soon as she did her 2 vaults, I kicked myself for not recording them - because they were beautiful!!  She scored a 9.350 and a 2nd place medal!  I only wish you could see the vaults she did!  Sorry!

The final event of the day was bars!  They were probably her best bar routine to date - that is until her little hiccup near the end!  She scored an 8.350 (which is better than last meet's score) and took 3rd place for her age group!

For the all-around for her age group (junior), Sophia took home the 1st place trophy with a 35.700.  And to round things out, her team took home the first place team trophy with a score of 110.450 - a 5 point lead over the 2nd place team!

Here are a few pictures from the meet - please enjoy and thank you for checking in on Sophia's gymnastics adventure!!

 Waiting for team announcements with Coach Tara!
 Beam practice!
 Hanging with Cookie!
 Floor warm up!
 Hanging with Coach Tara before vault!
 Waiting to do practice vault!
 Coming off the vault table - warm-up!
 Bars warm up!
 Nice cast during warm up!
 Bars warm-up
 Making sure she is chalked up for bars!!
 The girls waiting for awards!
 2nd place vault!
Sophia doing her McKayla Maroney impression - She is not impressed!! ;)
 Tied for 3rd on bars! 
 Tied for 6th place on beam!
 Sophia is not impressed with her 1st place on floor!!  ;)
 1st place floor!
 1st place all-around!
 1st place team!!
 Cookie and Sophia with their trophies and the team trophy!
 Sophia with her trophy and medals!
 Ronan and Caitlyn are proud of their big sister!!
Sophia with the two 1st place trophies - hers and team!!