Thursday, December 6, 2012

2013 Yellow Jackets Invitational

On December 1, Sophia competed at the Yellow Jackets Invitational.  This meet was held at the YJ gym in Middleton, MA.  Beam was the first event of the night and Sophia did a decent job.  She fell after her back walkover but bounced right back on the beam and finished out the rest of the routine nicely!  She scored an 8.350.  The 2nd event of the night was the floor routine.  Sophia got out on the floor and did a beautiful routine!  She scored a 9.300 for a 1st place medal!  Her next event was vault!  She did 2 nice looking vaults and scored an 8.800.  The final event of the night was bars!  She had a small wobble when standing on the low bar before jumping to the high bar, otherwise the routine looked really nice!  She scored an 8.300 for a 2nd place medal!  For the all around, Sophia was in the junior age group and took home a 3rd place trophy. Her team walked away with the 1st place team award with a score of 108.575.
I know I am not going into more detail about this meet but I don't feel that the scoring for the majority of the girls was truly reflective of how well they did!  
Sophia's next meet is the Kids Celebrate Life Invitational over the January 4th weekend!  I don't have any further information about session times at this time!  I will post more info when I find out!  Please enjoy these videos and pictures of this past meet and thank you for checking out Sophia's blog!!

Beam Routine

 Back Walkover on beam
Split leap on beam

Floor Routine

Bar Routine

3rd Place
 Hanging out with Caroline and Becca before the meet!
 2nd Place Beam
 Waiting with Sidney and Sydney for floor
 Caroline, Emma, Mia, Sidney, Sydney, Becca, Cookie, Sophia, Laela
 1st place Floor
 3rd place All-Around
 1st place team
Cookie and Sophia with their AA trophies

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