Thursday, April 9, 2015

Tim Daggett National Invitational 2015

January 30 - Tim Daggett Invitational in Springfield, MA.  Since Sophia broke her toe in December, she had been working on regaining her strength and re-working skills she was not able to do for over a month.  She had also been working on some fear issues so prior to this meet, I was made aware that she would only be competing bars.  She was very upset about this and did not want to go!  I discussed the importance of facing the things that challenge her and to go to the meet, do her bar routine and move past it!  She did her bar routine and scored 7.950.  Not her best but we are okay with it!!  The team did place 1st!

Bar Routine - sorry it is sideways, I did it on my phone

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