Saturday, September 21, 2013

It's been how long since I posted here????

Yes, I am finally updating Sophia's gymnastics blog!  I know, I know - it's been 5 months since I last posted!  I hope you weren't thinking the worst!  It has just been a very busy time with Sophia in the gym!  Her competition season ended well and she started training for "the next level" - not that we knew for sure what that meant!!  I figured I would add a few videos and pictures of what Sophia as been up to this summer!!
At the end of the school year, Sophia started training Monday-Friday 9am-2pm!  Yes, you read that correctly!  She spent the majority of the day at the gym!  But do you think she complained once????  NOPE!!  She loved it!!  The summer was very intense training!!  She was working on all sorts of new, more difficult skills and the hours in the gym have paid off!!  She is stronger than ever and throwing some pretty impressive skills!!!  So proud of her dedication to her sport!!
So a quick rundown of what she worked on over the summer - on vault: yurchenkos and tsuks.  Bars: free hip, giants, giants with flyaway dismount, some pirouettes.  Beam: ticktock backhandspring, backhandspring x2, back tucks, tuck dismount, turns, and leaps - she has her beam routine for the season!  Floor: fulls, front handspring layout, leaps, full and 1/2, round off backhandspring double full!  I have to ask her to explain most of this stuff since it is still so new for me!  I even look up videos on YouTube to watch!!  As you can see, she has been busy!
As the Summer came to an end, so did the Summer training schedule!  Sophia is now in the gym Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 5-9pm and Saturday 9-1!  And she continues to train hard every day she is there!!  She is such an inspiration!!
So here are the videos and pictures I promised!  Sophia did have a fun summer - even with all the time spent at the gym!!

 This summer, Sophia decided to cut her hair and donate it!  She cut off 11 inches!

Imitating the mannequin at Lucy!

Spending time with Cookie -- eating yummy chocolate from Chocolate Therapy!

Jumping around on the Barn Yard Jump at West End Creamery!

Celebrating Sophia's 11th Birthday at 5 Wits with her teammates!

Practicing gymnastics at the pool with Cookie!

Celebrating teammate Avery's Birthday with Cookie and Laela!

Practice day at CGA!!

Conquering Cadillac Mountain!!

More gymnastics at Duxbury Beach!

Celebrating Jacqueline's Birthday at SkyZone!!

Backhandsprings in the yard!

Backhandsprings on the beam!

Roundoff backhandspring full on strip!

SkyZone fun!!

So, as you can see, Sophia has been a busy girl this summer!!  She continues to love gymnastics every day - even with her busy 6th grade class schedule!  I did say 6th grade - because my baby is now a 6th grader - which means home room and 4 different teachers for different classes!!  
One last thing - if you are interested in the upcoming meet schedule, I do have it!!  Just received it today!  It will be posted off to the right of the main page of this blog!
I look forward to providing more updates as the competitive season comes and keeping you up to date on Sophia's gymnastics training!!  Thank you for taking the time to check in on her!  As always, I love to watch my girl do gymnastics!

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