Sunday, February 17, 2013

Team Challenge Invitational 2013

As I said in the last post, this is going to be a 2 post day!  I hope you enjoyed seeing Sophia doing her thing in Chicago - now let's talk about the Team Challenge Invitational in Danbury, Connecticut!
Sophia woke up Saturday morning feeling a little sore in the back but she was determined to have a good meet!  She really enjoyed this meet last year, it gave her a chance to make some new friends from CGA gym in Connecticut and she got to catch up with them at this meet!
The first event of the day was bars!  Finally, no more beam starts!!  This made me happy!  Of course, I was super nervous because Sophia and bars have not been getting along very well this season!  In practice, she looks great but then gets to the meets and who knows what happens!  Well, Sophia did an awesome job on bars!  Her best score of the season - 9.125 and a 3rd place medal!  I am so proud of her for this great routine!!

The 2nd event of the meet was beam! I am so thoroughly impressed with Sophia on the beam!  She did have a pretty good balance check but still pulled off a beautiful routine for a 9.575 and 5th place medal.

The 3rd event of the night was floor!  While the girls were doing their first 2 events, us parents were keeping our eyes on the scores being posted for the other teams, and I will admit we were all a little nervous -- we kept seeing some high floor and beam scores!  Not that we doubted our girls' abilities - but we were nervous!  Well, my nerves were completely put at ease when Sophia went out on the floor and pulled off an amazing routine!  She earned a 9.850 for a 1st place tie with her teammate Jacqueline!  And placed both girls on top 100 Level 6 floor scores at #4!!  Please enjoy this wonderful routine!!

The final event for the meet was vault!  Of course, I did not record the 2 fantastic vaults that Sophia did!  She was amazing!!  She scored a 9.750 for a 1st place finish!!  And ranked her #20 on top 100 level 6 vault scores!!
Sophia's all-around score was a 38.300 and gave her a 1st place medal for the junior age group!  I am so incredibly proud of her and all of her hard work and dedication!  This meet was a great one for her as well as her teammates!  The team took 1st place for all of the level 6 teams with a score of 190.175!   What a great meet for the last one of the season!!  Next up, level 6 states in 3 weeks!!  The next few weeks at the gym will be all about preparing for that last official meet!  Thank you for keeping up with Sophia's gymnastics journey!!  Stay tuned for the 2013 Level 6 State meet!!!

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