Saturday, October 27, 2012

1st Meet of the 2012-2013 Competitive Season

Today was Sophia's first gymnastics meet of the season!  It was a non-sanctioned in house meet at the gym so I don't have event scores yet - they should be passed out to the girls on Monday so I can update when I find out!  There was only 2 judges officiating the meet today so they did not follow the standard vault, bars, beam, floor rotation!  The girls got new leotards this year and they are super cool looking!
This picture does not do the Swarovski crystal effect any justice!

Up first for Sophia - bars!  Aaaaaaahhhh!  Dreaded bars!  I was a little worried watching Sophia doing her practice runs - but then it came her turn to perform for the judge and she looked amazing!  If this first bar routine is an indicator of the upcoming season, I see good things in Sophia's gymnastics future!!

Sophia moved onto vault next!  She did two wonderful vaults - couldn't be more proud!!

1st Vault

2nd Vault

Sophia then moved on to beam!  She did an awesome beam routine!  A few wobbles and an added press handstand during the handstand dismount!  And no, the press handstand on beam is not a part of the level 6 routine!  You'll just need to see the video to see what I am talking about!

The final event for the day was floor!  Sophia never ceases to amaze me when she steps out on the floor! And today she did not disappoint!!  She even told me after the meet and after the girls got feedback from the judges that the floor judge said her floor routine was the best one of the meet!!  Woohoo!!

I hope you have enjoyed watching Sophia doing her thing!  She is completely amazing to me!!  Her next meet is next Saturday - the Judges Cup!  I will post more updates as things happen!!

Jacqueline, Sidney T, Becca, Mia, Sophia, Caroline, Laela, Cookie, Sydney C, Emma
Elite Gymnastics Academy 2012-2013 Level 6 Team