Sunday, April 22, 2012

Training update - L6 -- maybe L7???

Hello friends and family!  I know it has been over a month since my last post! Sophia has been training harder than I think she has ever done in the past!!  She is determined to learn and do as much as possible!!  The week after States, her coach invited her and her teammates to come an extra day to the gym for training!  This extra day was optional for the girls and, of course Sophia jumped on that offer!!  She has been training 18.5 hours a week and is happier than ever!!  Just the other day Ivan, her coach, recorded her doing the high bar portion of the level 6 routine and she is looking super strong!!  I am so proud of her!!

Just imagine how awesome she is going to look by time competition season starts!!

As for the skills she is working on - she is super excited about doing her tsuk (not on the vault yet), back handspring on the beam, giants, front handspring on the beam, front handspring with front tuck on floor (she already has her round-off back handspring back tuck on floor), round-off back handspring layout, and layout fly-aways!!  As I am able to get more videos of her training, I will post them here!