Tuesday, March 6, 2012

2012 Massachusetts Level 5 State Championship

Hello family and friends!  This past Sunday, Sophia competed in the final meet of the season - States!  Her session started at 4pm - so, of course, we got there around 2:30 (mama nerves were in full swing!!).  We hung out with some old friends from the former gym and it was nice to catch up.  Finally it was time for Sophia's session to start!  She was very fortunate to have her teammate and friend Mia in the same session as her, plus they had 3 coaches there for the 2 of them - awesome!!  After the group warm-up, Sophia went to her first event of the day - bars!!  I will admit I was totally nervous about her starting on bars!  I would rather she start on vault and then move to bars - I don't like it when bars is the 1st or last event - get it done in the middle is best!  Well, she put my worries to rest with an amazing bar routine!  She received a score of 9.575 (her best this year) and took 2nd place in the 9D age group!  Next up, beam!  Sophia did an awesome beam routine - and then she fell doing her handstand dismount!  I am super proud of her - she got back up on that beam and nailed the dismount and scored a 9.275!  Unfortunately, she did not place in the top 8 for beam - and trust me, she was bummed!  Her third event of the day was floor!  She went out there and nailed a beautiful floor routine!  Her score of 9.650 earned her a 2nd place medal!  The final event of the day was vault!  She hit the vault table 2 times beautifully and scored a 9.200 - and a 2nd place medal!  For the All-round, Sophia tied for 2nd place in her age group with a score of 37.700 -- her highest all-around score of the season!  I know she was a little disappointed that she didn't take 1st place but she knows she did her best and she had a great day!  We finished out the night with dinner with her teammate, Mia and her family and then went back up to the meet location to be there for team awards!  In the end, Sophia and her Elite gym teammates took home the 1st place Level 5 State banner with a score of 152.150!!!  Sophia's dad and I are super proud of how well she did at the meet, how wonderful she did this whole season, and how dedicated and amazing she is as a gymnast!!  Here is the link to the Level 5 scores :  http://www.massusag.com/L5StateResults_2012.html

And today starts more intense training at the gym for Sophia!  She even told me this morning that she is super excited about going today (and that is any different from every other practice day???) because she gets to work on her backtucks, front tucks, aerials, flyaways, - even more than she was before!!  I will say this - she already has the tucks beautifully and has been working hard at the aerials!  She is looking forward to working on the flyaways "with a spot for a little while!"

I will try to update this blog regularly through the next months - I know that now that the competitive season is over, it may not be as exciting but I promise you won't be disappointed!  I will post pictures and videos of Sophia as her training progresses!!

Next up, training for level 6 (and maybe 7?)

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