Monday, March 21, 2016

2016 Texas Level 8 State Championships!

On Sunday Sophia competed in her first ever Texas State Championships!  The meet was held at WOGA -- only about 15 minutes from us!!  She started the meet off on vault!  She did an "okay" vault (only did 1 today) and scored 8.850.  She did not place in this event.  After the meet, I asked Ned, her vault coach, why the low score - to quote him "she's like a noodle on the table."  She needs to work on tightening up her back handspring onto the table and she will get better at vaulting -- which will lead to better scores!  The 2nd event was bars!  Sophia has been working super hard in the gym (on all 4 events) and it really showed off!  Her bar score was 9.600 (highest for all of her level 8 career!!) and earned her a 5th place medal!  Up next -- beam!!  This event has been her Achilles heel all season!  She has been fighting a battle with some fear issues (from her injury as well as a few other reasons!).  Today, Sophia conquered those fears!  She did an amazing beam routine!  No falls and only a few small wobbles - and a little hesitation going into her round-off for dismount!  She got a 9.600 and tied for 1st place!!  Sophia is the Texas Level 8 Senior B1 Beam Champion!!!! The final event of the day was floor!  Sophia did one of her best floor routines that I have ever seen her do - and most definitely the best she has done as a level 8!  Her score was 9.650 for a 5th place finish.  Sophia ended up taking 6th place in her age group with a 37.700 all around score (her highest L8 score)!  She automatically qualified for the Level 8 Regional Competition!!!  She was so excited to know this info that she sent me a text during the awards ceremony telling me "I MADE IT TO REGIONALS!!!!!"  She is such a goofy girl!!  We are all so proud of her!  We are also so appreciative of her amazing coaches - Ned on vault, Marcus on bars, Alicia on beam and Kait on floor!!  Without their support, guidance and encouragement, Sophia would not have been able to achieve this!! Sophia will be competing at the Level 8 Regional Competition April 15-17 (we don't know the age group she will be competing in yet, so we don't know when she is actually competing) in Fort Worth, TX at Texas Christian University.  The videos of the State meet are posted on Sophia's YouTube account -- you can find the link along the left side of the blog!  Please enjoy the pictures from the meet!! Thank you for all of your interest in Sophia as she continues her gymnastics training!  Next up -- Level 8 Regionals!!

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