Monday, October 12, 2015

Something A-may-zing happened

Sophia got the first half of her floor routine on Saturday and, let me tell you, IT IS GOING TO BE AMAZING!!!!  Her floor coach is doing her choreography and she picked up on Sophia's personality within the first few days of her being in the gym!!  Kait is making Sophia a gorgeous routine that is going to make everyone smile!!  No more cutesy, cheesy floor routine for my Sophia!  She is getting the floor routine that will emphasize all of her strengths and abilities!!  But alas, I will not be showing off her routine -- at least not yet!  She will get the rest of the routine tomorrow and will then work on polishing it!  I will give you a small taste of the amazing-ness with a short clip of the routine!!  I cannot wait for Sophia to compete this!!!!

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