Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Update on training and being a member of the Texas Dreams gymnastics team!

It's been a few weeks now in Sophia's new gym, so I figured I would send out an update!  She is loving the new gym!  She is working on improving technique on skills, learning new skills and basically becoming a better gymnast!  She is happier than I have seen her in a long time!  She has 4 - well really 5 - amazing coaches that work with her!  She also has an amazing dance instructor that she works with once a week!  Her coaches are: Ned on vault, Marcus on bars, Alicia on beam and Kait on floor -- Courtenay does a lot of work with her on bars!  Her dance instructor is Ani!

I have been taking pictures of her in the gym and with her coaches - as well as videos of her training - I just need to get my external hard drive set up so I can transfer stuff from my camera to computer!  I am planning on using this blog to update on training, competitions and pictures and using her YouTube account for videos -- so please be patient with me (and Sophia) as we make this transition!!  When we have videos posted on her YouTube account, I will post the link here! I cannot wait to share just how well she is doing in the gym!  Her love for gymnastics has grown so much since starting at Texas Dreams!  This was definitely the right choice for her continued gymnastics training!!  She trains alongside some of the best gymnasts in the nation!! She recently commented on how she is "inspired" when watching members of the Dream Team train!  What a great environment for her to be in!!  Thank you for  your continued support and be on the look out for the YouTube update!!

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