Thursday, April 9, 2015

Sophia and her injury

On December 16, Sophia was doing some tumbling on the tumble trak when she rotated too close to the wall and smacked her foot on it!  She came home pretty upset that night and her big toe on her left foot was purple and swollen.  Of course, we iced and elevated it before bed and continued to ice it intermittently throughout the following day.  She had the day off from gym that day and was able to rest as much as possible.  The day after that was the gym holiday party and, being the good sport she is, she decided to attend!  Of course, this meant wearing tennis shoes for support to a dress up party!  Not that Sophia minded at all!  She did a little dancing - while keeping aware of her pain and movement limitations!  The following morning, she was still in a lot of pain so I decided to take her to the doctor.  It was after being sent for x-rays of her foot that we received word that she had broken her big toe -- just near the growth plate with a little separation in the growth plate!  The pediatrician decided to send her on to ortho ---  NOOOOO!!!  Fortunately, the orthopedist looked over the x-rays and made the decision that she just needed to rest, ice, buddy-tape, supportive shoes when walking and give it a good 3 weeks of it hurting before she could start working her way back to where she was pre-injury! As I am sure you know, Sophia was pretty beat up about her toe being injured and being limited in what she could do!  This did give her an opportunity to work on the skills that don't require her to use her feet!!  She did have some emotional and mental setbacks during her recovery that extended a little while past her going back to her regular practice routine.  And then there were some fear issues that arose!  Injuries definitely suck!!

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