Saturday, February 2, 2013

2013 Tim Daggett Invitational

Today was Tim Daggett National Invitational in Springfield, Massachusetts.  Unfortunately, Sophia did not compete at the meet!  At practice on Wednesday, Sophia did her fly away dismount from bars, stuck her dismount (for those that want to know what this means -- she landed the dismount on her two feet without taking a step) and when she stood up straight and started to walk away from the bars, her low back started hurting!  It was bad enough that she asked coach Lyndsay if she could sit out the rest of practice (she was almost done for the night) and sat down, in tears, with an ice pack to her back!  When she got home, I immediately dosed her up with Motrin, put another ice pack on her back, and rubbed some Arnica ointment on her back.  I kept her out of school on Thursday so we could go to the Pediatrician's office.  She was seen  and evaluated and sent for x-rays of her lumbar spine.  We waited at the hospital for the Radiologist to read the x-rays and got the good news that there was no fracture and no visible injury.  Sophia was advised by the doctor to rest for the remainder of the weekend, to not compete at the meet, and continue with the ice, heat and Motrin!  Let me say that this last few days have been very hard on Sophia!  She is devastated and very sad but seems to finally understand the importance of letting her body rest!
As a member of the Elite Gymnastics Level 6 team, she felt it was very important for her to attend the meet today to cheer on her teammates!  Even with the fact that she was visibly in pain (she can't bend over at the waist or sit on hard surfaces without having pain) she cheered on her teammates to a 1st place win!!
The plan is to take her to see a pediatric orthopedist through Children's Hospital for a 2nd opinion -- hopefully Monday or Tuesday -- and go from there!  I will keep everyone updated on how Sophia is doing as the days progress!  Please keep her in your thoughts!!
Please enjoy a few pictures of Sophia and her teammates from the meet!

 Elite Gymnastics 1st place Level 6 team

 1st place on the podium

Had to have a picture of Sophia and Cookie

Thank you for checking in on Sophia as she continues her gymnastics adventure!  

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