Saturday, July 28, 2012

Where has the time gone?

WOW!!  It has been quite a while since I last posted on here!  The school year ended and summer has been chaotic!!  Sophia started her summer practice schedule the first week of July!  She started practicing Monday through Thursday 1-5pm. Then we went on a nice long vacation to Florida!  We left for Florida on July 11th and returned to Massachusetts on July 23rd!  What a long vacation!  But it was a good time!  Of course, the day before we left for Florida, Sophia's coach Ivan asked her to start coming to practice on Fridays from 9-2!  But back to our vacation!  We celebrated Sophia's 10th birthday the day we got to Florida!  We didn't have a big blow out party (yet) and just celebrated as a family!  While in Florida we took the kids to the beach a few times and, of course, we went to Disney World!!  It was a great time!!  
But back to Sophia and gymnastics!! While in Florida, I signed Sophia up to do private lessons at Orlando Metro Gym!  She worked with a great coach named Jason Rawlings and he worked her hard on bars!!  She really enjoyed working with him!!  OMG is such a great gym!  It is huge and they definitely work their team hard!!  I got plenty of ideas of conditioning stuff for Sophia to work on at home!  If Orlando had better schools, I would push pretty hard to move there just for the gym!  I only wish I had taken my camera to the gym to get pictures of Sophia working with Jason!  I did get pictures of her doing gymnastics on the beach!!

This week has been a very busy week for Sophia!!  She is back to her regular practice schedule -- Monday through Thursday 1-5pm, Friday 9-2 (in which she is working with the Optional girls -- level 7-10) and has started doing a dance for gymnastics class on Tuesdays and Thursdays 5:30-6:30pm!  The remainder of the summer is going to be very busy for her!!  After talking with Ivan (her coach) I am confident that he has her best interests at heart and wants to make her a better gymnast!!
A few last things about Sophia and gymnastics!!  Next week the Optional team will be traveling down to CT Gymnastics in Wallingford, CT to practice for a day!  It should be pretty cool working out in a different gym -- just to see how this gym works!!  Also, Sophia and a few of her teammates have been asked to be demonstrators at the USA Gymnastics Region IV Congress in Rhode Island next month!!  This means that she and her teammates will be assisting their coach, Jacqui, as she gives lectures to other coaches and gym owners and the girls will be showing off their skills!!  Sophia is pretty excited about this!!  
In closing, I have a few videos of Sophia that I plan on posting!  I just need to have Sean figure out how to rotate them before I can post them!  Thanks for checking in on Sophia and her training!!  I will try not to take so long in between postings in the future!!