Saturday, April 30, 2016

Region 3 Level 8 Regional Championships!

A few weeks back, Sophia competed at the Region 3 Level 8 Regionals in Fort Worth.  I apologize about taking so long to post this update - there have been family things that have taken priority.  But, I am  here today to post how her meet went!  This was Sophia's first time competing in a regional event -- when she was level 7, region 6 decided to have a regional competition for the level 7 gymnasts, but they only took the top 7 girls based on scores (even though Sophia took 1st in her age group, she was number 11 on the list of scores) so she did not get compete.  And last year was just not a good year for Sophia (and I will leave it at that).

The first event of the morning (yes, I wrote morning - one of the only times she competed a morning session!) was bars!  Sophia, in fact, was first up in her rotation on bars!  She did an AMAZING bar routine - beautiful handstands, beautiful pirouette, nice landing!  Her score -- 9.725!!!  That's correct --she scored the highest score for her age group (Senior B1) and is the Region 3 bar champion!!!  Super proud of her considering her highest bar score last year was 8.850!!  Such a huge change!!

The 2nd event of the day was beam!  Sophia did a great beam routine -- until she fell doing her turn! She told me after that her foot was in a weird angle and she couldn't fix it before moving onto the next thing so she fell.  Oh well!!  She still got a 9.050!  Unfortunately, she did not place on beam!

The next event up - vault!  Her first vault looked great but she stumbled backwards after landing and fell on her butt!  She and Ned opted for her to do a second vault!  This one she landed on her feet with a step out of the landing!  She got her highest vault score of the season - 9.100 - but did not place.

The final event of the day was floor.  Sophia did an awesome floor routine with beautiful leaps, turns, tumbling, etc!!  She got 9.625 and tied for 2nd place.

Sophia's all-around score for the day was 37.500 and she placed 2nd in her age group!  We are all so proud of how well she did!!

Currently, Sophia is working on her level 9 skills!  She is having a great time working in the gym on new upgrades!  She tells me everyday after practice how much she is enjoying the new stuff.  She is working on improving her vaulting - yurchenko layout, bars - shootovers, toe-ons (other things I don't know their names), beam - leaps, tumbling, etc, and floor - upgraded tumbling passes and leaps!  I cannot wait to see how the summer training progresses!  

Thank you for your continued support and interest in Sophia's gymnastics training.  Videos from the Regional meet are posted on her YouTube page - I accidentally deleted her beam video and did not record vault! I promise to be more consistent on vaulting videos!!  Please enjoy the pictures from the meet!  Stay tuned for further updates!!